Quasimodo, the hunchback bell-ringer of Notre Dame,
was ready to retire. He put an ad in the newspaper
for his replacement. Only one person responded,
but he had no arms. Quasi said,
“How are you going to ring the bell without arms?”

The man said, “Give me a chance. I can do this.
” He walked back ten feet and ran toward the bell face-first.
To Quasi’s surprise, it rang.
“I'm impressed,” he said,
“but it’s not quite loud enough.”

The man said, “Let me try again.”

He stepped back twenty feet and again
ran face-first into the bell,
but this time he missed the bell
and ran off the edge of the Notre Dame tower,
falling to his death on the ground below.
Just as that happened, a police officer
was passing by.
He looked up at Quasi and said,
“Quasi, do you know who this guy is?”

Quasi replied,
“I didn’t catch his name,
but his face sure does ring a bell!”


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